Overcoming Fear In Your Business

See, there’s 3 things that often happen to business owners when they KNOW what they need to be doing, but they’re not actually doing it. Oftentimes we point the finger every which way, blaming it on everything else, and a big reason for that is because we’re not actually sure what’s causing us to lose that steam and get stuck in idle mode. We may be a bit tuned out on what’s happening under the hood.
Overcoming Fear In Your Business

Overcoming Fear In Your Business

Recognizing the 3 Stages Holding You Back in Your Business

If you’ve ever been chugging along in your business, doing everything seemingly right, only to be stopped in your tracks because of a sinking feeling… let’s talk about that.
See, there’s 3 things that often happen to business owners when they KNOW what they need to be doing, but they’re not actually doing it. Oftentimes we point the finger every which way, blaming it on everything else, and a big reason for that is because we’re not actually sure what’s causing us to lose that steam and get stuck in idle mode. We may be a bit tuned out on what’s happening under the hood.
Your business, much like a car (I’m sure you picked up on those references above – I have a point, promise), requires check-ins, tune-ups, and regular maintenance to keep things running smoothly. For us, as business owners, this engine is our emotional and mental wellbeing (i.e., your brain), which means cluing in to what’s going on inside that is causing us to lose speed or hit the brakes. It’s time for that tune-up and check-in.
Taking it back to the heart of the matter… when you know what you need to be doing in your business but aren’t doing it, there’s a chance you’re in one of three stages:

Stage 1: Dread

In this stage, you know what you need to do but the thought of doing it just leaves you with a big sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. You may want to pull back on something, but the thought of not having enough or even losing has you in this cycle of repeat, even when you know it’s not helping move you forward.

Stage 2: Eye-Rolling

Picture that edgy teen that rolls their eyes when mom tells them to go do their homework. They know they need to do it, they know they’re fully capable of doing it, but at that moment it’s the last thing they want to be doing. Fact is, they just don’t want to be doing it.

Stage 3: Fear:

Too often we end up telling ourselves stories of worst case scenarios, and the fear of these scenarios possibly happening freezes us in our steps. We’re afraid to mess up. We’re afraid it won’t be received well. We’re afraid we’re not good enough. But all of these are just stories.
In each of the above stages, it is possible to breakthrough and move forward. For the purpose of today’s article, we’re going to focus on dread vs. fear, because the two are so similar they’re often confused for one another (but the truth is they’re actually motivated by different things).

What is the Difference Between Dread and Fear?

Often, we view the two of these principles as the same, and while there are definitely similarities between them, our response to each is very different. 
In the case of dread, there’s avoidance, agitation, and uncertainty around being able to complete a task or project at hand. Think of dread as that sinking feeling in your stomach around the idea of even taking action, hence why you don’t take action. There’s that avoidance getting in your way.
On the other hand, fear is often a full body feeling based on the stories we tell ourselves. We become frozen. We’re afraid to mess up. We’re afraid it won’t be received well. We’re afraid we’re not good enough. But all of these are just stories we’re telling ourselves in an effort not to take that risk.

How to Overcome Your Fears 

I’ll let you in on a secret – playing it safe rarely leads to big results, so when you let fear win, you’re not allowing yourself that space to grow, expand, play, and explore new opportunities.
In both of these cases, we refuse to move forward because something is getting in the way, but in order to truly break this cycle and get that engine running smoothly again, you have to not only uncover what’s getting in the way, but also overcome it.

Are You Ready to Conquer Your Business?!

If you want support and accountability to build a business you are proud of, one that is no longer held back by dread or fear, then you want to join us for the Ready To Conquer! Group Coaching program. It’s perfect timing to jump in and make sure you’re moving FORWARD and I’d love you to join us. Click here to learn more.

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Erin Marcus

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Erin Marcus is an author, speaker and communications specialist helping organizations to “Conquer the Conversation,” and creating improvement in sales, customer service and team dynamics. To bring Erin to your event or business:

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