Planning Your Breakthrough Year

The new year is coming, along with our usual new year's resolutions. How many times have you added “make more money” to your list, but didn't follow through? Let's knock down the usual suspects that get in the way of success and have the breakthrough year you deserve.
planning your breakthrough year

Planning Your Breakthrough Year

The new year is coming, along with our new year’s resolutions. How many times have you added “make more money” to your list, but the follow-through seemed too daunting of a task to even begin? Maybe you have said to yourself, this is going to be THE year, and then it simply wasn’t? 

I want you to know that it doesn’t have to be this way, even though the journey is difficult, you can have the breakthrough in your business that you want. You can live a life of more financial freedom, and I know this because I’ve done it. With 10 years of experience in the field, I am here to share my insights and experience with you. I will give you the tips you need to grow your business and make more money this year.

Now, I’m going to be real with you. 2018 was a rough year for me. I’ll go so far as to dub it my year of failure. I knew I could help others with their businesses, as I’d been doing that for over twenty years already, but when I was out there on my own and no longer acting on behalf of a larger company, things changed. In the time since then, I’ve brought my business from barely scraping by all the way up to six figures.

How would your life change if you had control over your income? That was a question I had to ask myself to get where I am now. To celebrate the new year, I’m going to show you the three steps that made ALL the difference for me.

Firstly, my financial breakthrough came because I finally did the math and figured out how much money I wanted to make, not how much money I needed to simply pay my bills. Looking at how much I wanted to make gave me concrete data on how many clients I needed and how much to charge for what product/services I provided. I had to look at the numbers and figure out: Does the math add up? If your math doesn’t add up you may have to offer something completely different to get the needle to move in your direction.

Secondly, a breakthrough will only come after you examine your beliefs about money. Your mentality or inner dialogue makes a huge difference in financial success. If you believe money is the “root of all evil,” that’s going to transfer into your business – which we don’t want. It’s also going to be a battle to make money if in your mind you think making money is a battle. You know what I mean? How you think and talk about money makes it a reality.

The good news is that even if you have a bad mentality toward money, it’s fixable. You can start by changing your attitude. This isn’t an easy thing to do; it’s likely been a life-long habit and in order to break it, you need to be very intentional and stick with it. What worked for me was writing down all the things that I believed about money and how I wanted my relationship with money to be. This helped me clarify my thoughts and attitude in an effort to have a breakthrough in my business. Get tips for growing your business and making more money. Use this article to get the insight you need to jumpstart your business in the new year.

Here are my examples:
It’s easy to make money, the more money I make, the easier it is.
I deserve to make money easily and in abundance
We live in an abundant universe. There is enough for everyone to have all that they want.

Finally, you have to see yourself as a thought leader, not a contractor. This is where marketing comes in because you have to own how you are perceived. How do you get people to know about your business? Are you being consistent in your activity and your message so your target audience understands your product or service? And are you providing solutions to your clients problems?

Consistency is key when it comes to marketing. Overcomplicating things or jumping on insta-tactics won’t work if you aren’t already well-established. People want to know who you are, so one of the most vital things you can do is to engage your audience. Get advice from successful businesses that know how to grow their business and make more money. What are you doing to create a re-engagement client journey for your prospects? 

Keep in mind, even though you have taken all the outlined steps, you’re still going to have to ask for sales. Choose to present yourself to your prospects with comfortable confidence. Your prospects need to know that if you were in their life, doing what you do, that their life/business would be better for it.

How you present yourself brings us back to your relationship with money. If you don’t believe you deserve the money, you won’t be able to manifest the proper confidence that will make your prospects believe in you. Decide who you need to be and figure out what that person does. Tie the results of this internal work to your goal, then show the world.

So you see, it’s all wrapped together! Make sure you do the math, form a healthy relationship with money, and create a bullet-proof marketing plan that can only happen once you’ve put the other pieces together. Discover how to make more money in your business this year and how to grow your business in the future. Show the world that you have your ducks in a row and you’ll see how quickly that creates buyer confidence in 2022!

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Erin Marcus

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Erin Marcus is an author, speaker and communications specialist helping organizations to “Conquer the Conversation,” and creating improvement in sales, customer service and team dynamics. To bring Erin to your event or business:

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