live event

lead gen

May 16, 2024
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Central

Intentional Lead Generation Strategies for Service Professionals

Join us to learn how to:

More leads, more sales conversations, more business growth!

Play Video about Erin Marcus Speaker

I loved Erin’s workshop! It was a great atmosphere with many real-life experiences shared by Erin and people in the audience. The content was informative, relatable, and fun. Everything could be applied to multiple business situations and personal situations too!

Amy C

Do you ever ask yourself these questions?

WHEN will I get to the next level?

Your business feels stuck at a financial plateau. The good news is your business is making money. The bad news is you feel stuck not being able to really get to where you want to be, to that “life changing” income level you set out to create. And you could swear that every time the revenue does start to creep forward, the expenses creep forward just as fast!

WHERE are my people?

You’re out there meeting people. So where are “YOUR” people? You know, the ones who say yes to working with you, who can afford to work with you. The ones who “automatically” want to work with you.

Maybe you know tons of people and you talk to tons of people but it feels like they’re just not the “right” people.

WHAT am I doing wrong?

Success and reaching your goals feels just beyond your finger tips – you know it’s possible – you can see that it’s RIGHT THERE! So why do you feel like you keep falling just short? And what can you do about it?

You’re stuck in reaction mode and just want to know how to get out in front of things instead of constantly playing catch up. It feels like if that missing piece would just drop in, it would change everything!

HOW am I supposed to be able to do more work?

You’re already out of hours in the day and days in the week so how exactly are you supposed to even be able to do MORE WORK to build your business? Wasn’t being your own boss supposed to mean more flexibility and free time, not less?

As much as success feels just beyond your fingertips, so is the real fear of it all falling apart just out of the sheer workload involved.

If you haven’t ever spent time with Erin Marcus, you owe it to yourself. You owe it to your business!

Barb H

Join us May 16

May 16, 2024
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Central

We will show you how to develop intentional activities that result in
more sales conversations!

Learn how to leverage your:

Erin has been a tremendous resources for me. She is very knowledgeable in business strategy and development. Almost instantly, I was able to utilize her knowledge to level up my business.


here's what is actually going on...

There's a Big Gap in your efforts!

Intentional Lead Generation

Lead Gen Masterclass

Marketing is all the efforts you take to create awareness that your business exists such as posting on social media, going to networking events, advertising…etc.

Sales is the mutually agreed upon conversations you have with prospects about potentially exchanging money for services.

The piece that is missing for so many businesses is the overlap: A consistent process for moving people who see your marketing into people who have sales conversations with you.

Being able to CONQUER your lead generation is the key to scaling your business.

Erin is incredible…Working with the right people closes the gaps faster within your business, don’t FEAR it - embrace it.

Christie R

The timing for this has never been better!

Set your stage for success with the actions and process you need to put in place now for moving your business forward.

Be ready to:

Erin will be there to help you be better at what you do for a living and enjoy what you do much more because of the great results you're going to get!

Larry W

Lead Gen Masterclass

meet your facilitator

Erin Marcus

Founder, CEO & International Speaker

Erin is the chief strategist and thought leader behind not just her own success, but those she has been helping and advising throughout her 25 year career.

Having made the successful leap from corporate executive to entrepreneur and small business owner, Erin uses that experience, along with her MBA education, to help her clients reach heights they never dreamed possible. And have fun doing it!

Her accomplishments have earned her several noted awards throughout her career including, Business of the Year in several different associations, two-time Trailblazer of the Year in her previous franchise system and Employee of the Year during her corporate tenure.

Erin is an international speaker and host of the Ready Yet?! podcast.


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