Episode 22 Interview with Robb Zbierski: “I Can Help This Lady”


Episode 22 Interview with Robb Zbierski: “I Can Help This Lady”

What happens when you have belief you can help people but have no plan yet on how to do it (while your wife is pregnant with twins)? EVERYTHING if you stay open to opportunity. Not only is that what Robb Z did for himself after leaving a position in a company he fought hard to reach, to join a new business, but it’s also what he did for me when he said yes to being my coach – even though he wasn’t coaching at the time! Listen to this conversation and then ask yourself what would be possible for you if you said yes and stayed open to possibilities.

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Erin Marcus

Permission to be you with erin marcus

Erin Marcus is an author, speaker and communications specialist helping organizations to “Conquer the Conversation,” and creating improvement in sales, customer service and team dynamics. To bring Erin to your event or business:

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