Intentional Lead Gen Turns Leads into Clients

Intentional lead generation is the piece that I see that is missing for so many businesses. A systemized approach to lead generation can solve most or all of the problems I mentioned above: not finding the right people, getting stuck in reaction mode, running out of time, and experiencing sales peaks and valleys.
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Intentional Lead Gen Turns Leads into Clients

As a business owner, have you ever felt frustrated, wondering when you’ll finally reach the next level? When will your business break through the financial plateau of six-figures and start generating multiple six-figures or even seven-figures? The good news is your business is making money, but the bad news is it’s not growing the way you want it to. You feel like the life-changing money you set out to earn with your business is just out of reach.

Many businesses get stuck at a financial plateau, where they are generating enough revenue to sustain themselves but not enough to grow and reach their full potential. They may be producing great results for their existing clients, but they are unable to attract new clients at a fast enough pace, which causes a variety of problems. Intentional lead generation can help businesses solve many of the problems they face when scaling, and is the key to growing to multiple six and seven figures.

Common Problems When Scaling Your Business

Not Finding the Right People

We are surrounded by people. There are people around us everywhere, yet it is very common to continually wonder where to find your ideal client. Even when you are meeting a lot of people, it feels as if you are continually searching for the people who will say yes and be excited about working with you, and that you are equally excited to be working with. 

Stuck in Reaction Mode

We hear stories of businesses that go out of business, and business owners who never break six-figures. Instead of feeling as if your business is a well-oiled machine, you feel like you are stuck in reaction mode. It feels as if your business is leading you instead of you leading your business. You knew this was not going to be easy, but it feels as if you are missing a big piece of the puzzle that other business owners seem to have learned. 


Out of Hours To Do More Work 

I have spoken to so many business owners who feel like it is impossible to do more work than they are already doing. It can feel like you are already out of hours in the day and days in the week. Sometimes the solution that you are looking for is impossible to implement because you are out of bandwidth. As much as it feels like success is right there, it also feels like it’s just out of reach. It feels like everything is falling apart because of the sheer workload. It is truly that feeling that while the opportunity for your success has never been greater, it simultaneously feels like it could just as easily come crumbling down around you. 

Sales Peaks and Valleys 

The business owners I speak to each week are producing great results for their clients, but also feel like their business is the world’s best kept secret. They feel stuck not knowing how to break the cycle of cash flow peaks and valleys. I have been through it myself as we have gone through each new phase of my business. So many of us have felt trapped in a cycle of getting the client, serving the client, market for a new client, or always trying to reinvent the wheel to attract and obtain one client at a time. 

Missing Lead Gen Systems 

The problem all comes down to a lack of a systematic approach to lead generation. Many business owners don’t even have a lead gen system in place, and those who do often create it as an afterthought. But having a systemized approach to help your audience move from observing your marketing to engaging in sales conversations is essential for any business that wants to grow.

How Intentional Lead Generation Solves Many Business Owner Problems

Marketing, by definition, consists of all of the things that we do to create awareness of our business. Sales is a mutually agreed upon conversation in which you discuss whether to exchange money for services. But there can be a big gap in getting someone from marketing to sales. It is easy for contacts to fall into that gap, leaving many potential clients with a basic awareness of your business but without ever providing more information on how your business can solve the pain or problem that they are experiencing. 

Intentional lead generation is the piece that I see that is missing for so many businesses. A systemized approach to lead generation can solve most or all of the problems I mentioned above: not finding the right people, getting stuck in reaction mode, running out of time, and experiencing sales peaks and valleys. Intentional lead generation is how to truly scale a business to multiple six and seven figures. It is about leveraging your resources, time, team, knowledge, network, and all of the efforts you are already making. 

When you leverage the resources you have, you can create a flow in which you nurture people and get out of feast or famine mode. Intentional lead generation helps break the pattern in which you are getting one or two clients at a time because it creates a flow of people that move from observing your marketing into engaging in sales conversations. 

Lead Gen Masterclass 

If you are ready for the absolute next level in your business to add that next six figures to leverage your resources, your team, your time, your energy, then we have a huge opportunity for you on September 14, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm CDT, we are going to be doing a Lead Generation Masterclass.

We will be going deep into how you create a predictable, repeatable system that gets people from over the bridge from engaging in your marketing and to actual sales conversations so that you can finally reach those goals that you wanted when you started your business.

Click here to learn more and sign up

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Erin Marcus

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Erin Marcus is an author, speaker and communications specialist helping organizations to “Conquer the Conversation,” and creating improvement in sales, customer service and team dynamics. To bring Erin to your event or business:

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