Why Your Business Needs a Client Acquisition System

While most businesses understand the need for systems in areas like accounting or client fulfillment, having a client acquisition system is something that is often overlooked, even by my high-level seven-figure clients. However, client acquisition systems are essential for sustainable business growth.
Woman and a man conducting business, with the title Why Your Business Needs a Client Acquisition System for Conquer Your Business blog

Why Your Business Needs a Client Acquisition System

In recent months we’ve been talking a lot about processes. I have been very transparent in sharing that I only recently started to embrace processes in my own business. My newfound love of processes started after our Chief Operating Officer Andrea Elibero joined Conquer Your Business, and as a result of the massive growth that my team and I have been able to achieve as a result of implementing systems and processes. 

The more we continue to fine-tune our own internal processes, I have noticed how many of my clients are missing what I believe to be the most important set of processes: a client acquisition system to acquire and nurture potential leads. While most businesses understand the need for systems in areas like accounting or client fulfillment, having a client acquisition system is something that is often overlooked, even by my high-level seven-figure clients. However, client acquisition systems are essential for sustainable business growth. 

Why Don’t More Business Owners Create Client Acquisition Systems?

Accounting and client fulfillment are two areas of a business where it is relatively easy to create systems. In accounting, you invoice clients, they pay the bills, and you record the payments in QuickBooks. Once you have a system in place for this, it is relatively low-maintenance. Similarly, once you have a system for onboarding and serving clients, you can make adjustments as needed when you create new offers.

A client acquisition system is different because the market, your business, and the people who you serve are all constantly changing. What worked yesterday to attract new clients may not work today. As a result, people are less motivated to create a system on the front end of their business than they are to create systems on the back end to do all the things that happen repeatedly and in the same way each time.

When we look at businesses, we often describe them as front office and back office. Front office is everything you do to get a client to your business, and back office is everything that happens after that. If we’re implementing systems and processes, we’re usually only focusing on the back end and not the front end.

This is because we don’t think it’s possible to create a system for client acquisition. But it is possible. It’s just a different type of system that has to be tracked differently.

How can a client acquisition system help your business?

When we don’t have a client acquisition system in place, it is easy to find yourself running your business from desperation instead of inspiration, and are at risk of: 


We’re constantly working hard to find new clients, without a clear system to measure and improve our efforts. This can lead to overwhelm and discouragement.

Susceptibility to insta-tactics

We’re more likely to believe the marketing of tactics that may or may not be right for our business, because we don’t have a system in place to measure and track our results.

Pressure and anxiety

We feel pressure to keep all the balls in the air, and anxiety about not reaching our goals. This is because we don’t have a predictable pipeline of leads and clients.

A client acquisition system can change all of this. It can give you a sustainable growth pipeline and consistent revenue. It can also reduce stress and anxiety, and free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.

Leveraged! Client Acquisition System Program 

If you’re ready to create a client acquisition system that will scale your business, I’m excited to announce our new program, Leveraged.

Leveraged is a 12-week program that walks you through the entire process, from defining your target audience to creating offers that align with your marketing and sales strategies. You’ll learn how to re-engage and nurture your audience, and have meaningful conversations with prospects to determine if they’re a good fit for your business.

By the end of the program, you’ll have a system in place that automates your client acquisition process, so you can focus on other aspects of your business.

Here’s what you’ll learn in Leveraged:

Step 1. Building a Solid Foundation 

  • Profitable / Scalable Offers
  • Your Unique Value Proposition
  • Impactful Visuals

Step 2. Growing and Attracting Your Audience 

  • Choosing the right strategies and tactics
  • Leveraging your team / time / efforts
  • Growing your audience

Step 3. Nurturing and Re-engaging Contacts

  • Thought leader content creation
  • Automate / Systematize the process
  • Building key relationships

Step 4. Booking Conversations and Closing Clients 

  • High integrity sales conversations
  • The money is in the follow up
  • Multiplying your sales

Step 5. Tracking Results and Tweaking Your System 

  • What to track and how
  • When to stay the course
  • When to change your approach

If you’re ready to get rid of the frustration, overwhelm, pressure, and anxiety of not having a client acquisition system, click here to learn more about Leveraged

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Erin Marcus

Our Team

Erin Marcus is an author, speaker and communications specialist helping organizations to “Conquer the Conversation,” and creating improvement in sales, customer service and team dynamics. To bring Erin to your event or business:

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