Creating Your Business Lead Generation System

Marketing consists of all of the things that you do to create awareness of your business. Sales is the mutually agreed upon conversation that you engage in when you discuss exchanging services for money. That makes intentional lead generation the activities that move people from engaging with your marketing to having sales conversations about working with you. Without intentional lead generation, there is a gap in the client journey, and that gap unfortunately often results in a gap in a business’s cash flow.
Successful business woman speaking on the phone, blog header image for Creating Your Business Lead Generation System

Creating Your Business Lead Generation System

I speak with dozens of business owners each week, and from those conversations I can see a similar, painful gap affecting business owners. Many of the business owners who I speak with are at the multiple 6-figure, or even bordering the 7-figure level, and are struggling to get their businesses to where they really want to be because they are missing one key piece of their puzzle: lead generation.  

By creating systems and processes around their lead generation efforts, they can create a bridge between their marketing and their sales efforts that makes the client journey faster and easier. 

Lead Generation: The Bridge Between Marketing and Sales

Look at it this way. Marketing consists of all of the things that you do to create awareness of your business. Sales is the mutually agreed upon conversation that you engage in when you discuss exchanging services for money. 

That makes intentional lead generation the activities that move people from engaging with your marketing to having sales conversations about working with you. Without intentional lead generation, there is a gap in the client journey, and that gap unfortunately often results in a gap in a business’s cash flow. 

Creating a system around lead generation can make a huge difference to your business. When lead generation is done in an intentional, systematic, process driven way, the results become more predictable for the business!

Unfortunately, many business owners do not even realize that lead generation is a place where a systematic approach can even be created. They wonder why they are not meeting the right people who want to work with them and can afford their services. As a result, they keep trying to work harder, when in reality they just need to work smarter and implement a repeatable, predictable lead generation system. 

A Solid Foundation for Lead Generation 

Outcome based language provides a solid foundation for lead generation. In past articles including Creating Brand Awareness that Attracts, we’ve talked about the importance of outcome based language and why potential clients need to understand the specific outcomes they can expect from working with you. 

The more specific you can get about the outcome you provide, and the more specific you can get about who you provide it for, the easier time you will have with all of this. Don’t be afraid to be very specific about who your ideal client is and what you will help them achieve.

It is easy to let a scarcity mindset take over, and worry that you might miss out on a client. However, having a scarcity mindset like that, and thinking that you have to do everything for everyone, will actually cause you to make less money than if you are dialed into a very specific client and outcome that you provide. 

An Actionable, Maintainable Lead Generation System 

An actionable, maintainable lead generation system is important because it means that you can do it even when you are busy. Cashflow peaks and valleys happen because of marketing peaks and valleys and lead generation peaks and valleys. Even at high levels of business, people get stuck in the cycle of get a client, serve the client, and then when that is done and they’re worried about finances, go find another client. 

Instead, your business needs a system in place in which you are leveraging your efforts through activities that happen each time a client enters your ecosystem. We recently shared an article about Creating Systems and Processes in Your Business, which outlined the reasons that having a repeatable process saves you time because you know what to do without reinventing the process each time. 

When you have a consistent call to action, and you are intentionally moving people through the client awareness journey, you are creating an opportunity for them to interact with you at multiple steps along the way. You are no longer in the cycle of always needing to go find somebody; instead you have moved to a leveraged opportunity to nurture your potential client from marketing to a sales conversation. 

Tracking Lead Generation Data

The third component of creating a lead generation system is to track everything and use the data to continually improve your system. Our article How to Improve Decision Making In Your Business went into detail about tracking and analyzing data. 

There are two main reasons to track your data, the first of which is to make sure that what you are doing is working. The second reason is to keep notes about what is going on with each lead. This way you can use your data to see at a glance where you are with everything that you are doing, with less effort. 

Lead Gen Masterclass 

if you are ready for the absolute next level in your business to add that next six figures to leverage your resources, your team, your time, your energy, then we have a huge opportunity for you on September 14, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm CDT, we are going to be doing a Lead Generation Masterclass. We will be going deep into how you create a predictable, repeatable system that gets people from over the bridge from engaging in your marketing and to actual sales conversations so that you can finally reach those goals that you wanted when you started your business. Click here to learn more and sign up

To schedule your conversation with us, click on Book a Discovery Call

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Erin Marcus

Our Team

Erin Marcus is an author, speaker and communications specialist helping organizations to “Conquer the Conversation,” and creating improvement in sales, customer service and team dynamics. To bring Erin to your event or business:

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